Checking the track for defects at a speed of 80 km/h.
A total of 6 cameras, 12 flashes, 8 PCs and the necessary peripheral equipment, mounted under a train. With this, a picture is made of each rail bar every 50 centimeters, on both sides. Simultaneously, a scan is made of the track across a width of 3 meters. With GPS, the position is determined and stored with the pictures. After an inspection ride, the hard discs are removed and the images are evaluated from behind a desk. Advantage of this method: the activity of the track can be performed by a train included in regular train traffic. The trajectory that is inspected does not need to be put out of service.
In this process, FRANS was responsible for the concept of the casing, the engineering and supervising the realization.
Most important characteristics:
– Width x length x height = 2000 x 2700 x 400 mm
– Drawer on both sides of the train can be pulled out by 2700 mm (for maintenance activities to the hardware)
– Drawer: positioned and welded aluminum sheet provided with a powder coating
– Casing: positioned and welded steel sheet provided with a powder coating
– A mirror of 2000 mm is mounted in the drawer for the scan camera